How can we help you?
We can help you solve challenges spanning organisational development, digital strategy, software product development, decision making, culture building, community development, leadership coaching, learning and development.
Let us know what you need done and we’ll connect dots to teams and tools to help you.

Founded in Enspiral, Optimi works at the intersection of social impact and decentralised organising. We are a service agency building no-code operations systems and customising digital tools to help organisations spend less time and effort on admin and ops, and focus more on their mission.

Loomio offers an online workspace for conversation, sharing information and opinions, making proposals, deciding actions and achieving outcomes together. Loomio is the living record of decision making your organization.

Greaterthan is global team supporting leaders and practitioners, companies and networks who think our dominant systems are dysfunctional and want to do something about it. We offer consulting, facilitation, coaching and online training packages.

Consider it is a discussion tool combining the properties of surveys and focus groups. Perfect for stakeholder engagement, collaborative ideation, prioritization, and strategic planning in large groups seeking inclusive decisions.

The Hum
The Hum are experienced practioners offering coaching, support and training courses for self managing teams and decentralised organisations.

How can we help?
We love helping mission driven organisations solve their challenges and grow to their potential. We'll connect you with the network to help you find the right solution.