• Alanna Irving

    Alanna Irving joined Enspiral in 2011. She was co-founding executive director of the Enspiral Foundation, and co-founder of Loomio & Cobudget. Alanna is an expert in bossless, radically cooperative leadership, governance, and ownership. She lives in Wellington, New Zealand. alanna.space

  • Sandra Chemin

    Sandra Chemin has been passionate about innovation, experimentation and learning by doing all her life. She is the founder of futureyou.be, helping organisations and individuals create the future of their work. She is a sought-after speaker based between New Zealand and Brazil. FutureYou

  • Damian Sligo-Green

    Damian Sligo-Green brings a living systems lens to his work paying special attention to the deeper needs of people and planet. He’s based in Wellington building Bamboo Creative, a digital agency within the Enspiral community. bamboocreative.nz

  • Chelsea Robinson

    Chelsea is a systems change strategist and operator who has been instrumental in building and leading organisations including GenerationZero.org, LifeHackHQ.co and Loomio.org. She lives in San Francisco and continues to expand her impact in governance through openlunar.org.


  • Joshua Vial

    Joshua Vial is the original founder of the Enspiral collective and has worked on many ventures and projects since then, most notably Enspiral Dev Academy. As a programmer, entrepreneur, facilitator and educator he works in the space where technology, deep purpose and systemic change meet.

  • Kate Beecroft

    Kate Beecroft is a strategist, facilitator, process designer and business developer who has been launching trainings, designing and hosting events and consulting with companies on the principles of self management. She is based in Europe and is a co-founder of Greaterthan.

  • Francesca Pick

    Francesca Pick is a driving force in several international collectives such as the Ouishare network. Her work is focused on community building, new organisational models and participatory governance. She is based in Europe and is the co-founder of Greaterthan.

  • Richard Bartlett

    Richard D. Bartlett has been cultivating the Enspiral garden since 2012. He co-founded Loomio, an open source software tool for collective decision-making, and The Hum, offering practical guidance for decentralised organisations.

  • Ants Cabraal

    Ants Cabraal is a creative producer, writer and instigator who has helped many Enspiral initiatives start and grow since 2012. He collaborates widely and loves to get new ideas off the ground– including driving the creation of this book. He is based in Melbourne, Australia. Whiskeyfix Studios

  • Susan Basterfield

    Susan Basterfield is catalyst and convener, helping individuals and organisations release potential through participatory organising. She is a prolific writer and speaker, and has shared her experiences from India to Korea, Canada to Chile, Sweden to Australia and most places in between.


  • Silvia Zuur

    Silvia Zuur brings people into the heart of all organisational change work. With more than a decade of facilitation and organisation building experience, she is comfortable pacing the main stage of an event, sorting logistics out the back, or scheming and dreaming new ideas.


It takes a village

This project was led by Susan Basterfield and Anthony Cabraal. We are deeply grateful to our collaborators, supporters and friends around the globe. Special thanks to Natalie Sisson and Alanna Irving for crowdfunding, production and editing support. Our co-author team and all contributing authors: Billy Matheson, Gina Rembe-Stevens, Nick Laurence, Sandra Otto, Doris Zuur, Lucy Carver, John Gieryn, Phoebe Tickell, Charley Davenport, Lucas Tauil de Freitas.

We couldn't have done it without support from organisational catalyst partners DAOstack, Namaste Foundation, Space Base, Bamboo Creative, The Philtech Initiative, Peerdom, and Optimi

Powered by Enspiral

Enspiral began in 2010 with a single freelancer seeking to collaborate with others who shared similar values. It grew into a community supporting hundreds of people and many companies with ambitious social missions at their core.
Better Work Together shares revenue to support the mission of the Enspiral Foundation: More people working on stuff that matters.

Learn more about Enspiral